Escalator is a kind of transport machine which conveys pedestrians in the form of using transport tape. Escalator is usually placed oblique. When pedestrians stand on one end of an escalator automatic walking ladder, then they are conveyed to the other end of the escalator automatically. During the time, the escalator ladders keep flat all the way. The armrests which provide for pedestrians to grasp are set in both sides of the escalator ladders and they move simultaneously. Escalator can move towards a pointed direction forever, but most of the escalator's directions can be controlled by operating staffs according to the needs of time and passenger flow.
Escalator was firstly introduced in 1935, at that time, Da Xin department store set up two Otis single escalators which connected the ground to the third floor. Nowadays, escalator even becomes the necessity in most big department stores and sightseeing places. Finding this business opportunity and market, many escalator manufacturer and elevators suppliers in china began to manufacture and sell escalators or elevators. Because of the harsh competition between escalator manufacturer and the impact of technology, the speed of the upgrade of Escalator is accelerated. The service of the pre-sale and the after-sale is more perfect and technological content has also improved.
Many escalator manufacturers in china take the following measures to face the competition: 1: escalator manufacturers and elevators suppliers in china use technology to invent new-style, convenient and high technological escalator. 2: Escalator manufacturers and elevators suppliers respond to the slogan of the green science and technology, energy conservation and environmental protection. They use energy-efficient, environmental materials and the ways of reducing pollution to invent escalators during the process of manufacturing escalators. 3: escalator manufacturers in China improve the security of the escalators during the process of manufacturing escalators, for example, they use safe raw materials and technology and put more attention on security index. Elevators suppliers also apply service before and after they sell their goods, such as hosting elevator.
As the development of urbanization, the skyscrapers are being built in numerous amounts, so the usage of escalator is increase. And it is not hard to say that the future of escalator is bright.
A time-consuming and convenient transport machine-escalator
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