
Residential Elevator: The Ultimate Guide


residential elevator

Regarding residential elevators, we will answer some frequently asked questions by dealers and users in this blog, which we hope will be helpful to you.

Why you need a residential elevator

An elevator is an investment that can significantly improve your quality of life, especially when it comes to helping you get to different floors.

A well-installed home elevator will ensure your safety while providing you with the independence you need.

On a personal level, the advantages of a home elevator are numerous. Mobility issues can make climbing stairs difficult, painful and a huge effort. This, combined with the risk of falling on the stairs, can make the situation dangerous.

If selling your existing two or three story home is financially impossible, or moving into an assisted living facility is not an option, then the next best thing is to invest in a good home elevator. 

Fortunately, today, home elevator companies are offering affordable home elevator options as well as customization options for people. And, for seniors with mobility issues, this is a huge convenience.

Residential elevators provide them with unparalleled convenience - making life so much easier. No more lugging heavy household items or climbing stairs from floor to floor.  


What are the classifications of residential elevators

  1. Geared and gearless traction elevators

    • Traction elevator

      Traction home elevators are one of the best types of elevators, and this type of elevator can be installed in residential buildings up to 10 stories high. It is fast and can be installed without a machine room. Thanks to advanced technology, a home elevator can be installed without a machine room. It saves the area of your house and adds value as well. You can also customize additional requirements, such as custom cab height observation glass panels and additional doors. Choose any type of traction elevator according to your needs and requirements. Traction elevators are always costly to install and you will need proper maintenance. Choose the best residential traction elevator for immediate use!

    • Geared traction elevators

      Geared traction elevators have a gearbox connected to an electric motor that drives the wheels that move the ropes. Geared traction elevators can travel at speeds of up to 2mps. the maximum travel distance of a geared traction elevator is approximately 75 m. Once you install this type of elevator, you will gain many benefits. It's very energy efficient and smooth! This ride is also very comfortable. For private home use, the commercial grade features would be perfect. You can upgrade many versions. This is a fully customized model and it offers several benefits. This type of elevator is best suited for residential areas or houses. You can also choose from two-story or multi-story buildings.

    • Gearless traction elevators

      These traction elevators have wheels that are directly connected to the electric motor. Gearless traction elevators have very high travel speeds, i.e. up to 2000 feet per minute, and can travel long distances. They have a maximum travel distance of almost 2000 feet. Gearless traction machines are low speed (low RPM) high torque motors, powered by AC or DC. In this case, the drive rope sheaves are connected directly to the end of the motor. Gearless traction elevators can reach speeds of 2,000 feet per minute (10 m/s) and higher. To learn more, contact us today! Hosting has been one of the leading manufacturers providing the highest quality gearless traction elevators.

  2. Hydraulic Lifts

    • Rope Hydraulic Lifts

      Rope hydraulic elevators use a combination of hydraulic jacks and cables to lift the elevator car. This provides smooth travel of the hydraulic elevator without the need to dig a deep hole in the ground. The hydraulic jack is located in the shaft between the tracks. Pulleys are attached to the top of the jack. A home rope hydraulic elevator can be installed at any time. Choose the best manufacturer who can guide you in this regard! Depending on your property type, space, area and budget, they will suggest the best hydraulic elevator for you. For more details on technical features, choose us now! We are one of the renowned manufacturing companies that have been providing the best quality services. Choose the best residential hydraulic elevator and enjoy its services.

      If you have a multi-story building, a home elevator is always the best choice. There are several people in our society who prefer to install home elevators. The purpose of a home elevator is to add luxury inside the house. It also adds to the value of the house. Home elevators are always the best option for people who have elderly or sick people in their homes. They can easily reach from one floor to another.

    • Conventional hydraulic elevator

      Conventional hydraulic elevators have a pulley which extends under the floor of the elevator shaft and which receives a retracting piston as the elevator descends. If you want to know the technical details. You must choose the best technical manufacturing company who will always provide you with the best elevator services. Choose the best type of elevator with a long service life. Whether you want to install an elevator for commercial or residential use, we always choose the best option. This type of elevator will always be the best choice. Choose the best type of elevator for your needs and requirements. Find the best price online and go on. If you search online, you will find different types of manufacturing companies offering elevator services, but you must always choose the best type of elevator manufacturer.

    • Hole-less hydraulic lifts

      This is another type of elevator that also has a lot of benefits. You can always install this type of elevator in your home. The price of installation is not too high. Home elevators include several features. The home elevator is always small and you can use a metal body or a glass body according to your choice. This is completely for home use and it helps to move people from one floor to another easily. It has many safety features and you have to measure all the features properly. You must consult a proper consultant or an experienced company in this field and from them, you must be knowledgeable about the matter. You must make a check point and then analyze and find all the details from the manufacturer and then proceed with the installation.

  3. Shaftless elevator

    This is a small elevator for two- and four-story residential buildings. You can customize the design, shape and size of the elevator. This type of elevator has an elegant look and is always the perfect choice for a luxury house. For maintenance, you need to hire a frequent maintenance team. Once you hire a reputed company, you have to understand that they will install and complete all the work. You will also find different alternative options. You can choose between a full-size conventional elevator or a small elevator. This type of elevator is mainly used for mobility and convenience. This type of elevator is also best suited for wheelchairs and some other accessibility features.

  4. Vacuum (pneumatic) home elevators

    Vacuum (pneumatic) home elevators are another popular type of elevator, and this type of elevator is ideal for home or family accommodations. This helps to build the right type of elevator. You can customize the shape design and type of elevator. Choose a quality elevator with a long service life. Space is very important, but to install a home elevator, you do not need to create a lot of space. If you have a large space, you can install a big elevator but if you have a small space, then you should choose a small elevator. Now, choose us to know more details about elevator installation. We have a large team that provides quality services at the best price.


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Residential Elevator Sizes for Any Size Home

Home elevators can make space easier to navigate, but at Hosting Elevator, we understand that space can be an important consideration before installation. Some homes simply don't have the space needed to install a large elevator. With this limitation in mind, we have designed elevators and lifts in a variety of sizes and configurations to fit any space. The size of our residential elevators can often be customized to fit your space as well.

Traditional elevators vary in capacity, but the heaviest models can hold up to 1,400 pounds. Standard sizes range from as small as 36" x 48" to as large as 40" x 54". Custom sizes are also available for elevators up to 18 square feet.

For homes with limited space, an axleless elevator may be an ideal choice. This elevator type has a very small footprint and can be easily installed in almost any home. Size options are available depending on whether the elevator is needed to transport only people or wheelchairs. These smaller elevators range in capacity from 375 pounds to 485 pounds.

Pneumatic lifts are also ideal for installation in tight spaces. The sleek cabs feature a rounded design and can often be easily installed into small niches, such as tucked into a wrap-around staircase. The smallest pneumatic lifts have a diameter of 30 inches and an inside diameter of 20 inches. Larger elevators have an inside diameter of 32 to 43 inches, allowing them to accommodate more than one person or wheelchair.

If the purpose of the elevator is to transport a wheelchair, you may want to consider using a wheelchair elevator to save space. Vertical elevators run along rails above the stairs and take up very little space outside the stairs. Most of these models will fold up when not in use. For those who want to save space, it is best to choose a vertical lift rather than a typical wheelchair lift, which requires the installation of an elevator shaft.

Homes with more space may be able to accommodate glass cable elevators. Glass round lift sizes typically offer a diameter of 51 inches, allowing you to use them for multiple people or wheelchairs.


Budgeting for residential elevator prices

If you need a home elevator, cost doesn't have to stop you from installing one: usually, home elevators cost less than you think! You can expect to pay an average of $20,000 to $30,000 for one of our basic residential elevators with standard furnishings. We can also offer higher-end finishes and details as well as customization options. High-end models with specialized design details can cost up to $300,000. It all depends on the size, style and features you're looking for in a home elevator: larger and more complex orders will naturally cost more.


How much does a residential elevator cost?

If you're reluctant to buy a home elevator and are wondering, "How much does a home elevator cost?" You don't have to worry. Base prices start at $20,000, but this can vary greatly from case to case, especially for custom purchases. Remember, as an affordable home elevator company, we offer financing to help those who need a new elevator but find the price of a home elevator daunting.


Can a home elevator add value?

Many times, yes! A home elevator is a high-end feature that makes a property more accessible, which can make it more attractive to buyers and increase its value. In fact, some studies have found that a residential elevator can increase the value of your home by 10% or more.

residential elevator

Is a home elevator safe?

Yes, home elevators are safe as long as you use the equipment as intended and follow product safety guidelines. You should also be sure to perform regular elevator maintenance to ensure that the equipment is in good working order.


How much does a residential elevator cost?

The cost of installing an elevator in your home can range from $2,000 to $80,000, with an average cost of $30,000. The reason there is such a wide variation is that the cost of a home elevator depends on many factors, including the type of elevator, power source, elevator model, number of floors and installation costs.

You can expect to pay $1,000 to $40,000 for equipment only and $1,000 to $20,000 for elevator installation. Outdoor elevators can cost $2,000 to $10,000. You will also need to consider some additional labor costs and obtain the required permits.


Is modernizing a home elevator a better option?

If you already have an elevator in your home that is not up to code, you may not need a new one. The elevator modernization process includes modifications to ensure that home elevators and elevator products are up to code, including safety codes. As elevators age, components may wear out and need to be replaced, or new developments may be made to improve safety and functionality through regular elevator maintenance. Elevator Modernization Services can also modify your elevator to comply with ADA standards, which define specifications for handicap accessible elevators. If your home needs to accommodate wheelchairs, then your elevator must meet these standards to ensure safe and proper transportation for residents and guests who use wheelchairs. Modernization allows for more cab space, ensures that controls are within reach, and ensures that the floor does not get in the way of wheelchairs.


Don't forget residential elevator maintenance

Regular maintenance after the installation of a residential elevator is key to keeping it safe and functional. After installing a residential elevator, we are ready to assist you with regular maintenance to keep the unit operating safely and efficiently. Regular maintenance will keep the electrical and mechanical components functioning properly. If repairs are needed, we can assist in providing immediate service.

You can always contact us for more information about our maintenance and repair services, but there are also things you can do yourself to ensure that your elevator is properly maintained and to determine when you need to call a professional for maintenance. Performing your own elevator inspection will allow you to catch any problems before they become worse, which will allow you to extend the overall life of your elevator. You will need to check the interior and exterior of the car for any damage or dead lights. You will also need to note if the doors open and close smoothly. In addition to the car, if you have a machine room, you will want to look at it periodically. Watch for debris, leaks or low oil levels, abnormal vibration or wear.


How to Choose an Elevator Manufacturer

residential elevator

  1. Choosing the best residential elevator manufacturer

    As you gather quotes from several elevator companies, you will begin to see how much each price range falls. Cost is one of the many factors you should consider when choosing the right elevator company for you. Other factors include

    • Safety

      Your home elevator is designed to make every floor of your home easier to reach. Your elevator manufacturer should offer many safety features to ensure safety and that you always have the best experience when using the elevator. Your company should provide interlockable safety doors so that the doors cannot be opened unless the car is safely parked. Ceiling and floor lights provide visibility and safety whenever you use the elevator. Handrails help you maintain your balance. All tilters models come standard with doors, interlocking devices, lighting systems and handrails. Most importantly, you should look for a company that offers emergency response capabilities. All hosting elevator models have full time cab monitoring and battery backup, so your elevator can operate even in the event of a power outage. We also offer the option of installing a phone in the cab and adding automatic doors.

    • Expertise

      Your home elevator company should have extensive experience in the business. A home elevator is a mechanical device that requires engineering and professional installers. Since there are many building codes for residential elevators, it is best to work with an experienced local dealer. Their local knowledge will ensure your elevator complies with local codes.

    • Maintenance

      Your elevator will need regular inspections and occasional maintenance to keep everything running properly. It's best to find a company that offers comprehensive maintenance services and focuses first and foremost on preventive maintenance. Your residential elevator company should provide annual inspections. Experienced service personnel can help you find problems before they become major issues. Inclined elevators have a sturdy construction that minimizes the need for spontaneous maintenance. You will have the confidence that the ride will be smooth.

      Choosing the right company for you is a decision you will make with your contractor, architect and other family members. Do your research on each company you are considering. How long it takes to make a decision depends on how much time you want to spend. You may need to find time to sit down and weigh your options with your builder. You may also want to do extensive reading on each company you are considering.


  2. Planning the layout of your elevator

    The layout of your home will largely determine the best location to install an elevator. When remodeling your home with an elevator, you may need a dedicated engine room. Cable reel drive systems require a separate engine room and therefore require less overhead space. Other elevator drive systems, such as our Motorized Roomless (MRL) elevators, have a separate system and do not require a separate machine room. An electric roomless elevator will require more overhead space.

    For the elevator itself, you will need to make room for the elevator shaft. Most of our cabs are a standard 15 x 15 feet. We also offer a smaller cab option of 12 x 12 feet. For any cab you choose, you will need approximately 1 foot of additional space on each side to accommodate the elevator shaft. The contractor you work with on this project can help you determine the best area to make room for the elevator.

    The layout of many homes simplifies the process of building shafts. If your home has closets in the same location on each floor, it's simple to carve those existing closets into an elevator shaft. If you don't have a stacked closet layout, your contractor may need to build an elevator shaft for your home. Wherever you place the elevator, you'll also need a pit 6 to 10 inches deep and up to 10 feet of additional headroom.

    You'll also need to consider convenience. For example, you may want to install the elevator near the main rooms, such as the bedrooms and living room. When you discuss plans with your contractor for where to place the elevator, you may find that more construction will be required. The timeline will depend on what you need to accomplish and what your contractor can accommodate. The next step in the process is to design your cab and make it fit your specifications. Therefore, you can continue with this step while your home is under construction.

  3. Designing the elevator

    Next, you will choose from a variety of cab designs and drive options. At Hosting, we offer six cab designs. You can choose a look that matches your home's interior and decorating preferences. Our standard cabs come with white walls, which can be painted to match the color of your home, and beautiful laminate wood floors. Our upgraded models are available in a variety of wood or aluminum finishes.

    You will also have a choice of drive systems for your elevator. We offer three drive systems, including cable reel, hydraulic and MRL cable reel. These will each travel up to 50 feet and can make up to six stops. They are available in 1,000 or 500 lb. capacities each. Work with one of our authorized dealers to help you determine which drive system is best for your home and your lifestyle needs.

    We detail the entire process of designing and selecting the right elevator for your home in our free eBook . After you select the cab design, drive system and other features, your elevator will be customized. Custom-built home elevators will take four to eight weeks. We recommend that you begin construction to modify your elevator during the manufacturing process.

  4. Installing the Elevator

    Before we can install the elevator, the site must be prepared. Your contractor will need to dig the trench and build the shaft. If the elevator requires a separate machine room, this room must also be built before the wiring is ready for installation. All construction and preparation work is dependent on the speed at which your contractor can work. After your contractor completes the shaft construction and begins setting up the wiring, the home elevator installation process can begin. 

    At Hosting, our professional installers take great care to protect your home before the installation begins. We cover all floors and furnishings, and after installing the elevator, we test it to ensure it is working properly. Installation A simple two-station elevator installation takes about four days and requires two technicians to install. For each additional floor, the installation time increases by one day. Only Hosting-licensed dealers can install our elevators, and our dealers are highly trained, experienced and efficient installers. Unlike other home elevators, our elevators are also pre-assembled. Since our elevators are ready for installation, the process is much faster.


Final thoughts

Here, we have tried to answer your basic questions about installing a residential elevator. We hope this blog will help you make an informed decision when choosing a home elevator on the market.

Your home elevator is an investment, so make sure you choose a contractor you can trust to handle your installation. As one of the top 10 elevator manufacturers in China, Hosting Elevator wants to provide the highest level of residential elevators to all dealers, establishments and elevator users.

Click to learn more about the residential elevator projects we have in store for you

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Elevator Manufacturers, Passenger Elevator Manufacturers, Escalator Manufacturer | Hosting Elevator
Dongwu Town, Yinzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, P. R. China
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